High DPI stock photo of Carole Park, Queensland

High DPI stock photo of Carole Park, Queensland

Building, Buildings, Categories, Industrial. Augment your high res marketing strategy with aircraft stock images of Carole Park, Queensland. AeroStock provides high DPI drone snapshots essential for print or digital use for QLD and all over Australia. This 2013 picture around the Ipswich region shows Carole Park from an altitude of 393 meters.

Photo ID 66404 -30
Licence type Royalty-free
Location 76A Mica St, Carole Park QLD 4300, Australia
Taken 2013:09:15 09:18:06
Camera NIKON D800
Shutter speed 1/1250
Aperture f/11
Focal length 145mm
ISO 640
Altitude 393
Sequence 130915 091806 Above Photo 2193

Color palette

#302e2a #b2b2b1 #7b756f #999d9b

Locations near Carole Park

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