Full size stock photo of Kahibah, New South Wales

Full size stock photo of Kahibah, New South Wales

Above 360. Is this aircraft stock photo in Kahibah Lake Macquarie NSW about what you need? If not, hire an operator in Kahibah Lake Macquarie New South Wales.

Photo ID 300836 -25
Licence type Royalty-free
Taken 2013:11:08 12:16:43
Camera Canon EOS 550D
Shutter speed 1/1250
Aperture f/10
Focal length 18mm
Altitude 349
Sequence 131108 121643 Camera8 08036

Color palette

#595f60 #cdd7e1 #adbbc9 #9ba8b9 #96979a #80909d

Locations near Kahibah

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