High definition image of Port Macquarie in NSW

High definition image of Port Macquarie in NSW

Above 360. March the perfect opportunity for taking photos over the Port Macquarie-Hastings region, this stock photo of Port Macquarie, New South Wales was photographed on March 18th 2014.

Photo ID 281056 -25
Licence type Royalty-free
Taken 2014:03:18 10:18:04
Camera Canon EOS 550D
Shutter speed 1/2000
Aperture f/10
Focal length 15mm
Altitude 290
Sequence 140318 101804 Camera4 00350

Color palette

#32595e #bbc8d8 #8baac7 #9cbedf #7699ab #5f859d

Locations near Port Macquarie

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