Cost effective stock image of Port Macquarie in Port Macquarie-Hastings.

Cost effective stock image of Port Macquarie in Port Macquarie-Hastings.

Above 360. If you're in search of an amazing drone photo of Port Macquarie Port Macquarie-Hastings NSW 2444, our aerial portfolio has more images like this one taken from an altitude of 287m in 2014 in our comprehensive stock collection.

Photo ID 281125 -25
Licence type Royalty-free
Taken 2014:03:18 10:18:53
Camera Canon EOS 550D
Shutter speed 1/2000
Aperture f/11
Focal length 15mm
Altitude 287
Sequence 140318 101853 Camera2 00419

Color palette

#305759 #c3cdce #9cc3e0 #77a4c6 #7c948f #757a6d

Locations near Port Macquarie

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