High definition pic of Grant ready to download

High definition pic of Grant ready to download

If you're trying to find a cinematic sky-high stock image of Donovans Grant SA 5291, AeroStock.com.au has loads shots like this one shot from an altitude of 395m in March 24th 2014 in our vast image database.

Photo ID 242171 -25
Licence type Royalty-free
Location 70 Old Bridge Rd, Nelson VIC 3292, Australia
Taken 2014:03:24 13:47:32
Camera Canon EOS 550D
Shutter speed 1/2000
Aperture f/11
Focal length 15mm
Altitude 395
Sequence 140324 134732 Camera2 18733

Color palette

#6d6c61 #d5dde2 #2b312f #9aabbe #b0c3d3

Locations near Donovans

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