High res stock image of Lismore, 2480.

High res stock image of Lismore, 2480.

If you are in search of easy access to a colossal library of aerial shots of South Lismore NSW, and surrounding areas, AeroStock's stock image database is the solution to what you are looking for.

Photo ID 675181 -20
Licence type Royalty-free
Location 3 Meadow Dr, South Lismore NSW 2480, Australia
Taken 2015:09:24 13:32:37
Camera Canon EOS 5DS R
Lens EF28-300mm f/3.5-5.6L IS USM
Shutter speed 1/1600
Aperture f/16
Focal length 85mm
Altitude 398
Sequence 150924 133237 AbovePhoto 185450

Color palette

#3b402f #b8ae9d #817860 #7b9099 #93a79f #637966

Locations near South Lismore

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