Sharp and finely detailed stock photo of Byron in NSW.

Sharp and finely detailed stock photo of Byron in NSW.

Beautiful sky-high snapshots are often hard to search. That's why AeroStock has compiled a huge stock photo database of millions of pics taken of NSW and all over Australia. This 2020 image from the sky the Byron region shows Suffolk Park from an altitude of 14643 meters.

Photo ID 396492 -40
Licence type Royalty-free
Location 146 Broken Head Reserve Rd, Broken Head NSW 2481, Australia
Taken 2020:08:24 08:51:22
Camera ILCE-7RM4
Shutter speed 1/1250
Aperture f/11
Focal length 24mm
ISO 640
Altitude 14643
Sequence 200824 085122 AbovePhotography 044444

Color palette

#bfc1c1 #276686 #2d3321 #849cc0

Locations near Suffolk Park

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