Cost effective imagery of Brunswick Heads, New South Wales

Cost effective imagery of Brunswick Heads, New South Wales

A beautiful image of Brunswick Heads New South Wales 2483, this stock photo shot in the Byron region is an up to date example of AeroStock's work all over the country.

Photo ID 396568 -40
Licence type Royalty-free
Location 33A Fingal St, Brunswick Heads NSW 2483, Australia
Taken 2020:08:24 08:56:27
Camera ILCE-7RM4
Shutter speed 1/3200
Aperture f/8
Focal length 24mm
ISO 640
Altitude 14547
Sequence 200824 085627 AbovePhotography 044536

Color palette

#294d65 #b8b9c0 #7d7d76 #212722 #7e91b7

Locations near Brunswick Heads

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