High quality pic of Moreton Bay ready to download

High quality pic of Moreton Bay ready to download

Building, Bush land, Catagories, Categories, High Altitude, Urban. Do you require UAV pictures of Burpengary? This panoramic aerial photo from our aerial portfolio shows the Moreton Bay from an altitude of 30m above sea level. Check out more similar imagery shot in July 2007.

Photo ID 12923 -20
Licence type Royalty-free
Location 583-603 Oakey Flat Rd, Morayfield QLD 4506, Australia
Taken 2007:07:03 13:38:28
Camera Canon EOS 5D
Shutter speed 1/1250
Aperture f/13
Focal length 210mm
Altitude 30
Sequence BN 0025746

Color palette

#747066 #ccbbad #23302a

Locations near Burpengary

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