High definition stock image of Lockyer Valley, 4343

High definition stock image of Lockyer Valley, 4343

Brisbane Floods, Brisbane Floods 2011, Disaster, Flooding, Floods. Are you looking for seasonal sky-high stock images of the Lockyer Valley region? This image captured in January is a perfect example of our work. If you're in need of a stock photo that isn't in our stock image database, consider organising a drone pilot from AeroStock's massive database to conduct a customised aerial shoot.

Photo ID 39997 -20
Licence type Royalty-free
Location 194 Lake Clarendon Way, Lake Clarendon QLD 4343, Australia
Taken 2011:01:12 13:45:55
Camera Canon EOS 5D Mark II
Lens EF28-300mm f/3.5-5.6L IS USM
Shutter speed 1/1600
Aperture f/11
Focal length 135mm
Altitude 90
Sequence BN 0180640

Color palette

#948e82 #272f20 #4e5037 #463a32 #ded0be

Locations near College View

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