Discounted shots of Tumby Bay, South Australia

Discounted shots of Tumby Bay, South Australia

If you're trying to find a perfect sky-high stock image of Tumby Bay Tumby Bay SA 5605, our supplier database has many more photos like this one professionally shot from an altitude of 3571m in February 14th 2006 in our vast image database.

Photo ID 7571 -30
Licence type Royalty-free
Location 9 Esplanade, Tumby Bay SA 5605, Australia
Taken 2006:02:14 12:06:22
Camera Canon EOS 5D
Shutter speed 1/800
Aperture f/11
Focal length 90mm
ISO 400
Sequence EY 0006260

Color palette

#344247 #8d8684 #d1bbad #939bad #758082

Locations near Tumby Bay

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