Sharp and finely detailed pic of Tweed ready to download.

Sharp and finely detailed pic of Tweed ready to download.

If you're trying to find a perfect sky-high stock image of Banora Point Tweed NSW 2486, our aerial portfolio has more images like this one taken from an altitude of 10m in January 20th 2007 in our vast image database.

Photo ID 14411 -20
Licence type Royalty-free
Location Unnamed Road, Terranora NSW 2486, Australia
Taken 2007:01:20 17:16:47
Camera Canon EOS 5D
Lens EF28-300mm f/3.5-5.6L IS USM
Shutter speed 1/1000
Aperture f/8
Focal length 60mm
Altitude 10
Sequence GC 0020080

Color palette

#6d6d57 #c7c9c9 #a8b2b7 #383e32

Locations near Banora Point

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