High resolution stock image of Arcadia Valley, QLD

High resolution stock image of Arcadia Valley, QLD

Categories, Rural. Brilliant aircraft stock images are often difficult to look up. That's why AeroStock.com.au has compiled a tremendous stock collection of millions of stock photos taken over QLD and all over Australia. This 2013 picture of the Central Highlands region shows Arcadia Valley from an altitude of 340m.

Photo ID 53445 -20
Licence type Royalty-free
Location Unnamed Road, Arcadia Valley QLD 4702, Australia
Taken 2013:03:14 13:07:58
Camera NIKON D800
Lens 28.0-300.0 mm f/3.5-5.6
Shutter speed 1/2500
Aperture f/6
Focal length 28mm
Altitude 340
Sequence 130314 130758 Above Photo 6127

Color palette

#797659 #a1bbd6 #343730 #474231

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