Incredible photo available right now, of Lat -33.344439 Long 115.657076.

Incredible photo available right now, of Lat -33.344439 Long 115.657076.

Do you require extraordinary photos of the Bunbury? This snapshot of East Bunbury is a fantastic option, from marketing through to real estate, and even as wall art for an interesting discussion piece.

Photo ID 227759 -25
Licence type Royalty-free
Location Bunbury Rail Stn Transwa Bunbury Passenger Terminal, Carey Park WA 6230, Australia
Taken 2014:04:02 02:59:09
Camera Canon EOS 550D
Shutter speed 1/2500
Aperture f/13
Focal length 15mm
Altitude 286
Sequence 140402 025909 AbovePhoto Camera7 8258

Color palette

#696456 #c4b6a8 #899db8 #252821

Locations near East Bunbury

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