If you're in search of a cinematic sky-high photo of Mundabullangana Port Hedland WA 6721, our supplier database has many more photos like this one professionally shot from an altitude of 304m in Friday, April 4th 2014 in our vast stock collection.
Photo ID | 112781 -25 |
Licence type | Royalty-free |
Location | Unnamed Road, Mundabullangana WA 6721, Australia |
Taken | 2014:04:04 00:55:15 |
Camera | Canon EOS 550D |
Shutter speed | 1/2000 |
Aperture | f/8 |
Focal length | 15mm |
Altitude | 304 |
Sequence | 140404 005515 AbovePhoto Camera1 4465 |