Cost effective stock image of Blacks Beach in Mackay.

Cost effective stock image of Blacks Beach in Mackay.

If you are in search of easy access to a colossal inventory of aerial shots of Blacks Beach QLD, and surrounding areas, AeroStock's stock image database is the solution to what you are looking for.

Photo ID 18181 -30
Licence type Royalty-free
Location Esplanade, Blacks Beach QLD 4740, Australia
Taken 2008:06:04 13:34:36
Camera Canon EOS-1Ds Mark III
Shutter speed 1/1250
Aperture f/13
Focal length 28mm
ISO 1250
Sequence MK 0053864

Color palette

#828071 #2b312b #d0ddea #d3bca6 #464238

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