Willagee in the Melville Western Australia

Willagee in the Melville Western Australia

PR-p0040919 Is this aircraft stock photo from the sky Willagee Melville WA about what you need? If not, hire an expert aerial photographer in Willagee Melville Western Australia.

Photo ID 18476 -25
Licence type Royalty-free
Location Potts St Melville Shs S4, Melville WA 6156, Australia
Taken 2008:02:19 15:36:09
Camera Canon EOS-1Ds Mark III
Shutter speed 1/800
Aperture f/16
Focal length 90mm
ISO 800
Sequence PR-p0040919

Color palette

#66788d #c6c6cb #393b35 #aabdd1

Locations near Willagee

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