High quality stock image of Eumundi, QLD

High quality stock image of Eumundi, QLD

Are you trying to find recent aircraft shots of Eumundi in the Sunshine Coast? Find quick results in our vast stock collection.

Photo ID 32229 -25
Licence type Royalty-free
Location 17 William Rd, Eumundi QLD 4562, Australia
Taken 2010:01:25 13:56:46
Camera Canon EOS-1Ds Mark III
Shutter speed 1/1250
Aperture f/9
Focal length 60mm
ISO 1000
Altitude 400000
Sequence SC 0102427

Color palette

#8d8f7f #d6e5f5 #404747 #d8c2aa

Locations near Eumundi

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