Pic of Highgate Hill, Queensland

Pic of Highgate Hill, Queensland

Building, Buildings, Categories, Houses. The best stock photo of Highgate Hill Queensland 4101, this image professionally shot in the Brisbane region is an up to date example of AeroStock's work all over the country.

Photo ID 54028 -20
Licence type Royalty-free
Location 37 Gertrude St, Highgate Hill QLD 4101, Australia
Taken 2013:04:13 15:53:12
Camera NIKON D800
Lens 28.0-300.0 mm f/3.5-5.6
Shutter speed 1/2000
Aperture f/6
Focal length 28mm
Altitude 30
Sequence 130413 155312 Above Photo 0614

Color palette

#373a3a #bcc4c7 #97a2a8 #7a7c7e #889097 #686f73

Locations near Highgate Hill

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