High quality stock photo of Birtinya, Queensland.

High quality stock photo of Birtinya, Queensland.

Breathtaking sky-high snapshots of Birtinya QLD 4575 can be challenging to find. Aerostock.com.au stock collection contains aircraft snapshots of Birtinya Sunshine Coast QLD and surrounding areas! Taken in 2019 these drone pics could be the ultimate shot for your needs.

Photo ID 73172 -25
Licence type Royalty-free
Location 40 Lake Kawana Blvd, Birtinya QLD 4575, Australia
Taken 2019:06:19 13:40:38
Camera Canon EOS 5DS R
Shutter speed 1/3200
Aperture f/9
Focal length 59mm
ISO 1000
Altitude 311
Sequence 190619 134038 AbovePhoto 369565

Color palette

#294558 #c1bfb8 #80887c #424e1e #6e97bc

Locations near Birtinya

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