Sharp and finely detailed panoramic aerial photo of Sunshine Coast.

Sharp and finely detailed panoramic aerial photo of Sunshine Coast.

Is this aircraft panoramic aerial photo of Bribie Island North Sunshine Coast QLD about what you need? If not, hire an operator in Bribie Island North Sunshine Coast Queensland.

Photo ID 12206 -30
Licence type Royalty-free
Location 1749 Roys Rd, Coochin Creek QLD 4519, Australia
Taken 2007:12:04 05:52:08
Camera Canon EOS 5D
Shutter speed 1/2000
Aperture f/5.6
Focal length 300mm
ISO 500
Altitude 100000
Sequence 034551

Color palette

#1a1b0e #90735c #5b4a37

Locations near Bribie Island North

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